Saturday, February 14, 2009


Puffles are small, fluffy creatures that players may have as pets. They are available from the Pet Shop in blue, green, pink, black, purple, red, and yellow. Non-members have access to the blue and red puffles only, and may have no more than two; members may adopt up to fourteen puffles.[38] Members whose membership has expired are permitted to retain their puffles.

Puffles have health, rest, and energy bar charts to indicate their status. Puffles which are not "looked after" will run away from the player, and will need to be replaced.[47]

There are seven official breeds of puffles, each with a different personality (as described in the in-game "Adopt a Puffle" catalog):[47]

  • Blue Puffles are known to be mild-tempered and content. (Available to non-members)
  • Green Puffles are very energetic and playful, and "like to clown around".[47]
  • Purple Puffles are dancers, and are described as being "usually happy", but are finicky eaters.[47]
  • Red Puffles (from "Rockhopper Island") are known to be adventurous and enthusiastic. (Available to non-members)
  • Pink Puffles are very active and cheery, and like to exercise.
  • Black Puffles are described as possessing a strong and silent disposition.
  • Yellow Puffles were added in November 2007.[48] They are depicted as both artistic and spontaneous

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Cool